The Community Development Department is responsible for all planning, zoning, building, and ordinance enforcement in the Township.
The Building Division enforces the minimum construction standards for the protection of life, health, environment, public safety, and general welfare of the citizens of Grand Haven Charter Township. Permits are required for all remodeling including, but not limited to, basements, additions, decks, wood stoves, etc. Contact the Building Division before you begin a construction project to ensure it meets the applicable code requirements.
If a project is completed without permits it may result in after-the-fact fees that could be twice as expensive as the normal fees. It could also require you to “open” the construction work, so the inspectors can verify it meets the building and safety codes.
A Master Plan creates a blueprint for the preservation of a community. It is the essential foundation upon which communities are built and guides not only the physical and economic development, but also accommodates social, environmental, and regional concerns. The planning process offers an opportunity to look broadly at local programs such as economic development, public infrastructure and services, environmental protection, and how they relate to one another by presenting a “big picture” look at the community today and articulating goals for the future. The land use plan resembles a series of goals and policies that are then used to guide future land use regulations and decisions, including zoning. A good plan clearly articulates the desires and aspirations of a community.
The Ordinance and Code Enforcement Division is responsible for ensuring compliance with Township Ordinances. If you have concerns with a potential violation please contact the Township Ordinance Enforcement Officer.
Strategic Plans produce fundamental decisions and actions that shape and guide what the Township is, what it does, and why it does it. These decisions concern the Township’s mission, mandates, service level, cost, financing, and organizational design. It is a systematic process for managing the organization and its future direction in relation to its environment and the demands of stakeholders.
There are many potential benefits to coordinated recreational planning amongst governmental agencies including increased efficiencies in providing park and recreation opportunities, access to increased funding sources, greater protection and identification of natural resources, greater potential for identifying creative ways of accomplishing recreation goals, public media coverage, expanded public support, economic advantages, and shared long term vision and goals. Five communities joined together to develop a joint community recreation plan. These communities include Grand Haven Charter Township, City of Grand Haven, Spring Lake Township, City of Ferrysburg, and the Village of Spring Lake. This is the first joint recreational planning effort of these five communities as a unified plan.
The Zoning Division processes applications related to zoning permits, planned unit developments, special land uses, site plan reviews, etc. The Township requires that property owners obtain a zoning permit for fences, accessory structures (i.e., sheds, carports, pergola, etc.) under 200 square feet in size, and other miscellaneous items. Before you decide to begin construction you will want to check on the zoning requirements specific to that property.
The Planning Division provides long-range planning services and information regarding growth and development in the Township. Prior to submitting an application for a large scale development, time should be spent with staff to ensure the proposal aligns with the Master Land Use Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Furthermore, the Township Board is committed to ensuring developers pay the direct costs of any proposed projects, which include infrastructure extensions, consulting fees, and legal fees.
Phone: (616) 604-6340
Phone: (616) 604-6319
Phone: (616) 604-6315
Phone: (616) 604-6316
Phone:(616) 604-6308