Public Services includes (1) the operation of a municipal water distribution system; (2) the operation of wastewater collection system; (3) the operation and maintenance of an extensive parks and recreation system, which includes over 38 miles of non-motorized pathway; (4) the operation and maintenance of two cemeteries; and, (5) the maintenance and upkeep of the building and grounds.
Other operations such as streets and roads, storm water, and trash disposal, which are normally included under the category of public works, are only indirectly affected by the Township. Although the Township is involved in paving and re-paving projects, all statutory responsibility and authority with regard to streets and roads is through the Ottawa County Road Commission. Similarly, although the Township funds storm drainage improvement projects, the legal responsibility and authority for these functions lies with the Ottawa County Water Resource Commission. The service of waste disposal, except some limited yard waste collection, is controlled indirectly through the Township’s licensing powers with private companies.
The Department of Public Services consists of a director, assistant director, seven full-time staff and one part-time staff. In addition, the department hires 8 seasonal employees during the summer months.
Cemeteries Parks & Recreation Water Distribution Waste Water