Grand Haven Township


About the Department

Duties & Responsibilities

The Treasurer is responsible for the collection, deposit and investment of all Township funds. Temporary surplus funds are invested prudently with the emphasis on the safety of the principal as required by state law. The Treasurer directs the billing, collection and accounting of all property taxes levied by the Township.

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Local Taxing Jurisdictions

The Treasurer’s Department collects property tax monies for all local taxing jurisdictions. For 2023, the amount of monies collected for each of the local taxing jurisdictions were as follows:

Grand Haven Area Public Schools – $6.8 million
Ottawa Area Intermediate School District – $6.36 million
Ottawa County – $5.09 million
Grand Haven Charter Township – $5.30 million
Loutit District Library – $1.09 million
Tri-Cities Museum – $227,856
Four Pointes Council on Aging – $232,169
DDA – $866,486

Property & Tax Information

Taxes and Their Usage

Township Operating: Voted millage allowed by the Township Charter for General Fund services
provided by the Township
Township Fire/Rescue: (expires 12/31/2021) Voted millage for Township fire department
operating costs
Museum: (expires 12/31/2024) Voted millage for Tri-Cities Museum operating costs
Aging Council: (expires 12/31/2024) Voted millage for Four Pointes Center for Successful Aging
Transportation: (expires 12/31/2026) Voted millage to support local costs of Harbor Transit
Pathway: (expires 12/31/2035) Voted millage for construction of pathway and continued
Police/Public Safety: Township wide special assessment for contracted police services through
Ottawa County
District Library: Voted millage for Loutit District Library services and building debt service
Grand Haven Schools Operating: (expires 12/31/21) Voted millage for school operating costs
(Charged only on non-homestead properties)
Grand Haven Schools Debt: Voted millage for school building debt service
Intermediate School District: Voted millage for the OAISD operating costs
State Education Tax: Voted millage (6 mills under 1994 Proposal A) ending homestead property
taxes for school operations. Non-homestead properties pay school operating taxes
County Operating: (expires 12/31/2028) Voted millage for Ottawa County operating costs
County E-911: (expires 12/31/2028) Voted millage for E-911 operating costs
County Parks: (expires 12/31/2026) Voted millage for maintenance of Ottawa County Parks
County Roads: (expires 12/31/2024) Voted millage for improvement/maintenance of County
County Community Mental Health: (expires 12/31/2025) Voted millage for Community Mental
Health operating costs

Frequently Asked Questions

When are tax bills sent out and when are they due?

July 1st: Summer tax bills are mailed
September 14th: Summer tax bill payments are due
December 1st: Winter tax bills are mailed
February 14th: Winter tax bill payments are due
February 28th: Last day to pay property taxes at the Township Offices
March 1st: Unpaid property taxes are turned over to the Ottawa County Treasurer for collection.

All Payments must be paid to their office. Call (616) 994-4501 for the amount due.

Note for Summer Tax Bills: If summer taxes are not paid by the due date (Sept. 14th), 1% interest will be charged on the day following the due date and on the 1st of every month through February. After February 14th, an additional 3% penalty will be charged on the unpaid balance. Note for Winter Tax Bills: If winter taxes are not paid by the due date (Feb. 14th), a 3% penalty will be charged on the unpaid balance

What is a Principal Residence Exemption (PRE), and how do I know if I have it?
A principal residence is exempt from taxes levied by the school district for operating purposes of up to 18 mills. The tax bill will show the percentage as PRE/MBT %: 100.
I didn’t receive my tax bill, what should I do?

Please call our office at (616) 842-5988 and we will send you a duplicate bill. Not receiving a tax bill does not alleviate the tax burden. As the property owner, you are still liable for the taxes owing.

Do you send the tax bill to my mortgage company?

No. Tax bills are mailed to the property address of the parcel. Mortgage companies are sent tax information at their request. If you escrow your taxes, please check with your mortgage or escrow company.

What if I can’t pay my entire bill by the due date?

The Township will accept partial payments towards tax bills, after July 1st for the summer tax bill, and after December 1st for the winter tax bill. Taxes must be paid in full on or before the due date in-order-to avoid interest and/or penalty. As of March 1st, unpaid taxes are turned over to Ottawa County for collection.

Are taxes pro-rated when there is a change in ownership of a property?

No. The Assessing department doesn’t pro-rate taxes when there is a change in ownership of a parcel. Please refer to your buy-sell agreement for proration of taxes.

What time frame does my tax bill cover?

Tax bills are issued twice a year on July 1st and December 1st. The tax bills do not cover specific months. Taxing entities may choose to spread their millages onto the summer or winter tax bills. The two tax bills together make up the total annual property taxes due.

Dog Licenses

Dog Licenses Pricing

One-year and three-year dog licenses are available for purchase at the Township offices throughout the year. Licenses should be renewed by the last day of the month in which the rabies vaccination expires. To qualify for a three-year license the dog must have received a new three-year rabies vaccination within the past 30 days. As a courtesy, the Ottawa County Treasurer’s Office will mail license renewal applications the month before the license expires.

License PricingMale/FemaleSpayed/NeuteredPuppies
One Year License$25.00$10.00$10.00
Three Year License$70.00$25.00N/A

Dog License FAQs

Contact Information

Treasurer, William Kieft III

Deputy Treasurer, Ashley Larrison
Phone: (616) 604-6306