Grand Haven Township

Water Distribution

About the Service

Grand Haven Charter Township operates two water distribution systems. The largest system receives its water from the North Ottawa Water System or NOWS water treatment plant located within the City of Grand Haven. NOWS is a joint municipal water system providing water to the cities of Grand Haven, Ferrysburg, the Village of Spring Lake, and the townships of Grand Haven, Spring Lake, Robinson and Crockery.

The second distribution system serves the southern third of the Township and receives its water from the Grand Rapids water treatment plant.

The Township’s water distribution system includes two 500,000 above ground storage tanks and 86 miles of water mains. About 700 million gallons of water are distributed annually to 5,600 homes and businesses. This is approximately a 273% increase since 1990.

Annual Drinking Water Quality Reports

What to Know About a Water Leak in or Around Your House

A small water leak can have a big impact. Here are some important facts and tips to help you detect, prevent, and address water leaks efficiently.

The Impact of Water Leaks
  • Even a small water leak can increase your utility bill significantly.
  • Most toilet and faucet leaks are relatively inexpensive to fix.
  • Have your irrigation system checked each spring when reactivating it. Leaks in irrigation systems can go unnoticed for long periods due to the soil type in our area.


Detecting a Water Leak

If you suspect a water leak but cannot find the source, your water meter can help:

  1. Ensure No Water is in Use
    Make sure all water-using appliances and fixtures in your home are turned off. This includes faucets, toilets, dishwashers, and washing machines.
  2. Identify Your Water Meter Type (Refer to the image below)
    The Township currently uses two types of water meters:
    • Sensus iPERL
    • Sensus Brass Meter

  1. Examine the Meter Display
    • If you have a Sensus iPERL meter, check the display counter, which tracks water usage down to the 100th decimal.
    • If you have a Sensus Brass meter, focus on the leak indicator—a small triangle on the meter face.
  2. Check for Movement
    • On the iPERL meter, any increase in the display reading indicates water is flowing.
    • On the Brass meter, if the leak indicator is moving, it means water is flowing through the meter—indicating a potential leak somewhere in your plumbing system after the meter.

If you detect movement when no water is in use, you may have a leak. Consider checking toilets, faucets, outdoor spigots, and irrigation for potential leaks, or contact the Public Services Department at 616.842.5988. We’re here to help

Service Line Breaks

A service line break, whether on the Township or homeowner’s side, is not metered water and will not affect your bill.

Signs of a Service Line Break:

  • Reduced water pressure
  • Water pooling or puddling in your front yard
  • Soft or soggy spots in your yard
  • A sinking area in your yard

What to Do if You Suspect a Service Line Break

  • Call the Public Services Department immediately at 616.842.5988. A service worker will assess the situation and determine responsibility.
  • The Township maintains the service line from the water main to the property line; homeowners are responsible for the portion between the property line and the house.
  • Even if no break is found, we appreciate your call. It’s always better to be cautious.
Simple Ways to Reduce Water Usage
  • Replace showerheads, toilets, and appliances with low-flow models.
  • Turn off the tap while brushing your teeth or washing dishes.
  • Wash full loads of laundry, as one large load uses less water than multiple small loads.
  • Turn off sprinklers when it’s raining or has recently rained.
  • Regularly check for leaks inside and outside your house.
Contact Information

Any time you have questions or concerns, please contact the Public Services Department at 616.842.5988. Or, our email addresses are listed on our department’s main page. We’re here to help!

Contact Information

Public Services Director, Matt Wade
Phone: (616) 604-6313

Public Services Assistant Director
Pat Richardson
Phone: (616) 604-6318

Public Services Coordinator, Kristi Walsh
Phone: (616) 604-6325